LSDCast S01E29: 2nd date worthy & ANALysing poll results

29 Aug 2016 | the LSDCast | 0 comments

We just can’t give enough, but that’s how we are: Giving! And we want you to take … our advice. In Episode 29, we continue with our Back to Basics theme. We’ve got the do’s and don’ts for how to deal with a bad first (or second) date. Do you just ghost? Or go the Dear John/Jane route? Prem & Rogue have totally different approaches.
Next: You took our poll and we found that a lot of women put up with the backdoor entry for the sake of their partners. Yes, we’re going into the ANALytics of a darker *cough* place. We’re talking about the obsession some men have with anal sex. Is it just a male thing? Listen for the lowdown. Bonus: When Prem went on a second date with a girl who yawned, yes, yawned during the first.


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