the state of radio
Sonologue’s new episode on the State of Radio is ready for consumption.
This week, I’m looking at the status quo of licensing in the FM sphere in India, earning reports from the UK, two community radio initiatives online and a fun exhibit in Mumbai – all the radio stories worth checking out from the last week.
Take a listen, and do leave feedback.
The State of Radio 1.3 (Sonologue, India) September 10, 2008
Sources used in this podcast are:
http://www.newkerala.com/topstory-fullnews-19353.html | http://www.radioandmusic.com/content/editorial/news/govt-cancels-bidding-vacant-fm-channels-phase-ii#story | http://radio23.org | http://edaa.in | http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/media/article4678090.ece |